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City of Shapes Project 2017



This project was the start of my Drafting 1 class. I had a page of shapes that i had to make into a little city and it was pretty fun to do. We used a app called sketchup to make the 3-D shapes for the city. I added texture to the shapes to make it pop out more.  

Dealing with Coordinates 2017


We used a app called AutoCAD  to complete this assignment. Our teacher taught us how to use AutoCAD.  We modified the spacing so it will be easier to create the Alphabet and my Name. It was difficult to make the letters without any slanted sides or rounded edges.    

Galaga AutoCAD drawing 2017


My class and I made the old retro video game Galaga for one of our projects. We made the aliens and the ships using our grid to help us. Then we copy pasted the aliens and ship we made and we made what a galaga screen would look like. i used 1x1 squares for the stars and 1x4 rectangle for the blast coming from the ship. 

Checkers AutoCAD 2017 

Today we had made a checker board. We used new materials in AutoCAD as in Polor Array, and Rectangle array and it made it so much easier to make the checkers and board.  I used blue instead of the usual white because I wanted to be creative. 

Golf Course 2017 

We made a sample golf course that could possibly be something in the future. We used AutoCAD and Sketchup to do this project. AutoCAD was for the 2-D visual and Sketchup was a 3-D visual of the golf course. We added alot of detail to the golf course to make it seem realistic.    

Skyscraper 2017

Each student made their own Tower/Skyscraper. We used Sketchup to make this Tower. It took awhile to make because I was trying to make it look good. At the end it came out kinda decent and I did to the best of my ability with the time I had.  

Doors 2017 

We practiced making doors in AutoCAD and also we used the doors for our Beach House project. I will be posting my Beach House project later on. This was one of our easy assignments.  

Beach House Project 2017

We created a Beach out of a reference pic we found online. The project really fun to do. But we had requirement that had to be meant for the beach house to be accepted. As in we had to put rails where they were necessary and in very deep detail. Also the doors couldn't be 2-D and it had to be in deep detail as well. The reason why I chose this kind of beach house is because it's a simple design and i didn't want to spend too much time on the design and more on the detail. 

SOV assignment 2017 

We practiced using Isometric, 1-pt perspective, Oblique Cabinet, and Oblique Cavalier.

I am kinda slow when it comes to this kind of stuff but i plan to work on my speed while doing these kind of assignments

Tetris Game 2017

We had to make the game screen of the classic game Tetris. This assignment was more fun to do because I played it when i was a kid and this brings back memories.  

SOV Assignment part 2 2017

This time we had to make the shape just knowing the front, top, and side view. also we had to put hidden lines in the isometric shape just to show that the lines are there just hidden. 

R2D2 Drawing 




Front View 

The Tables 




Men= Blue


Restaurant Project (Started 2017 Finished in 2018) 

Rear View Also Garbage area  

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