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Hello everyone my name is Luis Hernandez and I will be saying some facts about me. I live in Wake forest, North Carolina with my sister, brother and my parents. I was born in New Haven, Connecticut on August 19th 2001. I'm a very loving person when you get to know me well. I like to play basketball with friends and I also like playing baseball from time to time. Also I would like to be a Automotive engineer when I grow up because I like working with cars. Also on my free time I like hanging with friends, play video games, or just take a nap. I go to heritage high school and i'm in tenth grade. My classes this semester are easy enough, but in the next semester it may be more challenging just because the classes are getting harder by each grade level. I have a lot of friends and they love and care about me and I don't like when people speak bad about me. Also i don't like people who don't like me for no reason. I enjoy listening to music, like pop,hip-hip and rap and Spanish music. People say I sing good in Spanish but I don't think so. Speaking of singing I sing to myself but not to others for reasons. I plan to make my life have purpose and help others need of help and put others before myself.  I love life and I intend to live as much as I can. I don't like to cause problems with anyone because its pretty much no point it just breaks up friendships and separates you from the ones that cares about you. There's no such thing as having to much friends. I hope this passage taught you something about me that you didn't know about me.  

Luis Hernandez

About Me 

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